Daily Chatter

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Clearly Kissing takes Concentration

Last evening S'ghetti Girl had soccer practice which meant we had to hustle to fit everything into our evening.  Add to our already busy evening a forecast of potentially violent thunderstorm and the need to pick up a few things from the store and we were pressed to make it to soccer practice on time.

Normally LBM and I might run errands during practice but we didn't want to risk a storm blowing in while we were away from the fields.  So after a quick run to the store, we made it to practice. 

LBM is not a fan of soccer practice.  Let me restate that, he is not a fan of not getting to practice himself and he quickly grows bored of mommy's lets-keep-LBM-busy antics...

...which lead to his discovery of my car keys.

You probably don't know but LBM firmly believes that he CAN drive my car.
He attempts to prove this every time we get in or out of the car.  He insists on having the car keys, tells me that he can drive and that the policeman is fine with him not having a license.

So when LBM found himself bored of my soccer skills, he quickly decided that he was going to drive me home.  In an effort to stall for the few minutes remaining in S'ghetti Girl's practice I offered to let him put the keys in the car for a kiss.

Clearly kissing me must be something he has to brace himself for.


  1. Ha! That is fantastic. I love that you captured it on film.

  2. hahah! too funny. just wait for the day where he doesn't want to brace himself for kisses!

  3. AWESOME picture. He's not bracing himself; he's just preparing to enjoy the moment. He is SO cute! And I can relate to keeping a 2-year-old busy during soccer. YAY for soccer moms!!

  4. How awesome!! I love your quote above that says running is essential not optional! Inspiring!!

  5. Very cute! Sometimes we ask Norah for kisses and she just flat out says, "No."
