Daily Chatter

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The 6th Time

There I was sitting under my laptop not really accomplishing anything as the little kids played upstairs, when I got a FB message from a local friend C.  Since being in VA I have often said that I want to get more involved with the local running clubs.  I have been a member for two years.  Now that I am here more I should probably take part in some of their weekly club runs.

I need to get outside! 
Between kids schedules, the super secret spy being away and my own laziness I still haven't made it to a single weekly club run.  I have continued in my same ole routine of jogger runs, treadmill torture and occasional solo runs.  I did however put out a plea on the club's FB page for anyone in my area who might want to run.  I was thinking that if I can first run with someone in my area I might get over my distaste for driving somewhere just to get out of my car and run. 
Am I the only one who thinks that without a race that concept sounds odd?
After a few weeks, C emailed that he was new to the area and would be interested in getting together to run.  It has now been 6 times that we have tried to get together for a run and I haven't been able to get out the door.  Usually because I have the kids.  And no local sitter.

So tell me fellow mother runners, how did you find a trusted reliable sitter in your area?


  1. My very first sitter, who I adored and who was with us for several years, I found at the local community college. I put up a notice on bulletin boards and she called. I interviewed her, background checked her, and got her started. There are also lots of sitter/nanny sites around these days that might work. Or maybe try that local running club and see if any moms want to swap. Just a few ideas--hope something works for you!

  2. I don't get to many group runs. However, I have awesome parents nearby who watch my daughter most of the time if I really need it.

  3. I used my neighbor when the boys were really little. Is there a Mom's group type thing where you live? That stuff is really popular here and many find sitters that way. Just use your good judgement and talk to some kids and I'm sure you'll find a great one. Not all teenagers are horrible!! ;)

  4. I gotta say, I just keep going back to a dear friend and she is like an Auntie and her husband is like an Uncle to darling daughter. However, I try to just go to them for race support and long run support if I can coax dear hubby to run with me since I don't want to feel like I am "abusing" the gesture. Although, I truly do love spending time with darling.

    But I am loving this topic as I think it would be good to have another trusted name on the list....and it sounds like misszippy has some good ideas.....
