Daily Chatter

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Dream Come True

My love for running started a long time ago.  But for the majority of my running life I have been the only one running.  I was either to fast or too slow. 
I can run lots of paces from snail to speedy...
My routes were too far in the country,
who wouldn't want to run in wide open places?!?!...
too early in the morning, too long,
I run 50 milers after all...
too short, too hilly, too technical for those who lived close enough to me to join in BUT that has finally changed.

My "big" and much littler sister has discovered a real gift and love of running.
This morning we shared a chilly but chat-filled 10 mile run through Heaven as she ticked another set of goals off her already lengthy list of running accomplishment.  Knowing all the gifts that running has given me, I couldn't be more proud and happier for all she has done for herself.  And I'm giddy with the thought of what we may do together in the days to come.  I look forward to the day that I'm chasing her to a finish line...and with her quickly growing strength and speed, that day may come very soon.
Until then I'll enjoy brainwashing her to leave the country road behind and head into the woods, up a mountain and through the leaves.  I've got time, MMT isn't until May.  I'm thinking I've got another pacer to help push me to that finish line...then I can help her see her first finish line in return.

1 comment:

  1. yeahhhhh I would probably drop dead with excitement if my family chose to run with me :) I'm pretty happy that D and I can now train together for a few months while I do half marathons!
