Daily Chatter

Monday, February 15, 2010

Yes there IS ice on my face

I have no shame. 

I ran this morning OUTSIDE!  It was beyond cold but I HAD to get outside. 


I only went my 3.5 miles (27:01) but I had ICE all over my face.  I unfortunately wipe the ice off of my forehead before realizing just how lovely I looked.  I totally rock the icicle category in a beauty pageant.  But you get the idea.  I was a frozen running deliriously happy icicle.

Have you ever gotten back from a run and discovered you were a beauty queen?

When I will get outside again is anyone's guess but at least for today I feel content and happy something that treadmill running just doesn't do for me. 

Do you get the same 'high' from running on your treadmill that you get from running outside?


  1. I ran outside this morning too. It was about 32 degrees with a windchill of 17.

    Ice on your face. That is hard core! I love it!!!

  2. No... I do not like the mill... and get no high.

  3. I do get a high running on the treadmill...but it isn't as often and it takes a lot more to get there.

  4. I just found your blog! I find you to be very inspirational!!! I hope you don't mind my follow and I actually hate running on the treadmill so much that I have been running outside in the ice/snow whatever comes my way because I would rather just deal with that then be stuck on a treadmill!


  5. yay for running outside!

    i can't stand running on the treadmill. so for the most part, i don't! so the answer to your question at the end is a big NO for me.

  6. No way! Running on the treadmill sucks. I think it's a million times more discouraging than running outside could ever be.

    Lovely icicles by the way! lol

  7. HARDCORE!!! That is all I can say - I'm speechless :)
    It depends on how far I run on the treadmill - anything after 8 makes me feel hardcore for doing 8 miles on a treadmill :)
    Happy Monday and I hope you get back ou there soon!

  8. omg, girl - look at your icey face. Burrrrr! When is spring going to get here for heaven's sake!!! How are you feeling? I think about you with your son a lot!! I get a high whenever I have a good workout, which is rare anymore, whether on a treadmill or street. I'm just so beyond running well that I'll take what I can get. Anyhoo, Wed is Lent and you gotta make me accountable for NO SUGAR except for days I ran a run over 20 miles - then all is fair in love and war and I can treat myself to something small. Okay? You're truly amazing, girl! Keep rocking those miles out, you're gonna do great in Mar at the 50K!

  9. You win for most hardcore- I kept it inside and no, the treadmill never really gives me the same high...I still feel accomplished but it is totally different!

  10. I have to be in the right mindset to get the same high. But sometimes i get it and its SO great! I wish it would warm up because running outside when its 5 degrees with -10 wind chill makes me crazy lol great job!

  11. I LOVE wintery runs! I miss it so much.
    You make those icicles look good! :)

  12. I always look like a beauty queen after a run, what are you talking about?
    The white ring that resembles a tiara on my forehead?
    The sweaty icicles on the side of my head, or that trail the back ends of my hair?
    The red flush of brilliance on my face?

    Obviously, a sign of royaldom.



  13. Yikes! that looks cold...I can get good runs inside or out, but I definitely prefer outdoor runs :)

  14. That is definitely hard core! I love the way I feel after an outside run, even one that goes well. The treadmill is more of a "got the job done" kind of feeling.

  15. No...not at all. :( I HATE the treadmill...it is my last resort. I do it to keep up my training, but I don't get the high I get from being outsid..not even close.

  16. oh my gosh you're a trooper!!! Outdoors is definitely better than a treadmill- but that looks darn cold!

  17. I hate the treadmill... I'll run in ANY conditions outside instead of that thing.

    Good for you getting out there!

  18. Winter will be over soon, I promise! Good work!

  19. Check out my blog (myfirst5k.wordpress.com), I tagged you to receive a new award.

    I hate running on the treadmill but I hate cold weather more.

  20. Nothing beats running outdoors! Nothing beats being able to see the world.

  21. I feel just as good when I am done but I don't get the same high while I am running when I am on the treadmill! Way to rock the run. I LOVE cold weather runs!!

  22. sometimes a serious hard treadmill workout can make me feel great...but I don't know that anything beats a run outside

  23. Ice Princess! that is what you r! hahah

    i ran outside today and my nose was running so much. Thank god, it wasnt so cold that it froze.

    i just hate the treadmill!! no more snow! no more winter! where is the spring?

  24. I have never had icicles on my face, my hair froze once when I lived in Spokane but that was the closest I have come. I think the picture is GREAT!!

    I don't like the TReadmill AT ALL!!!

  25. I hate the treadmill. I much prefer outside so I've ventured out in this very cold, snowy winter in the midwest. I looked just like this photo last week too! Thankfully I have a great partner who meets up with me or I don't think I would want to get out of my bed!


  26. I'm very new to running (as in I started last month and am training for a marathon in December)...but I HATE the dreadmill. I've only had to use it once and I hope I can avoid it completely in the future. But, I don't know that I could run outside if it meant ice on my face!! YOU ROCK!!!
