Yesterday was a wonderfully long day.
It started early with my usual 3.5 mile (28:16) wake up run before work.
Which was day 80 and I can see it in my pace but the day's run was done and we had plans for the evening so no double for me.
We were going to the...
A county fair is pretty after can't see all the dirt!
Promises to myself to be home at a reasonable hour went out the window as S'ghetti girl found friends to run around and ride with. Which was really fine with me since I am at the fair the majority of evenings volunteering with the senior arts department. In fact, one of my photos won best of show!
A small section of the arts entries.
S'ghetti girl got on stage with the magician. She somewhat stalks him every year. It is one of her favorite things to do. Watch the magic show, not stalk. In fact she has been working on her own act.
S'ghetti girl as the magician's helper
The kids road lots of rides and enjoyed having their friends to share the fun with.
I got dust covered and sticky but enjoyed seeing them having so much fun.
S'ghetti has riden this exact horse every single year! She calls it "her's."
We ate too much "bad" food but were on our feet for hours so I am hoping we worked some of it off. If you have a local or county fair I encourage you to go and enjoy. It's even better if it helps to support a local 4-H group. Maybe consider entering something; most agricultural fairs have departments for baked goods, produce, wine, arts and crafts, sewing and photography.
LBM making his bike go Vrooooooooom!
Even with the late night I was still up (all be it slowly) this morning for a squeezed in 3.5 miles (28:59).
I have made it to day 81 with no injuries but even with dropping a few double days, I can feel the effects of running without a break. It is such an ingrained habit now, I wonder about my ability to not get up in the morning for the first run.
Day 81 3.5 miles / 28:59
I have a big cup of coffee waiting for me and a very full desk of work.
Between that and the cotton candy I am sure I'll make it through my day.
And then it's back to the fair.
Do you have a county fair?
Do you attend? Volunteer?
Do you enter anything?