Daily Chatter

Friday, October 14, 2011


Last evening with the rain pouring outside and the 2 little kids behaving wonderfully I set out on my new-to-me-treadmill for a longish run since my run the night before was cut short due to the Big Kid's run in with the tractor trailer 11.24 miles and 1 hour and a 1/2 later feeling successful
I was done running

The little kids had entertained themselves and grumbled that they wanted more time to play without mom's interference. 
what can I say, sometimes I get lucky
I entered my numbers into my database and was happy to see that I was over 50 miles for the week so far.  With 2 more days of running, a week in the mid 60 mile mark would be in the books. 
Since S'ghetti Girl was off school today we enjoyed staying up 30 minutes later than usual.  We watched Aladdin,

read stories, got bathed, packed for the weekend and played the kids computer math games. 
Icing my busy Big Girl work day with all that and I was 100% tired.
When it was finally time to go to bed LBM asked, "Mommy 1 more minute?"
I was about to reply something to the effect of how he needed to do what Mommy had told him to do when I thought of something I tell myself a 1000 times when I get tired during a long run, I can do anything for 1 minute. 
I reminded myself that I had given myself 90 minutes of mommy time when I said, "Okay.  What do you want to do with your 1 minute?"
Surprised LBM ran to his bedroom and came back with a big book

Llama Llama Home with Mama [Book]

best "1" minute of my day.


  1. Love, love, love the llama llama books!

    I will remember that 1-minute thought when my darling daughter asks for one more minute or one more book at the end of my long day. Thanks!

  2. Whaaaa, I really miss all those book reading days! Happy Weekend!!! :)

  3. There's nothing like snuggling in bed and reading a book to your child. Those are memories that are priceless.

  4. Absolutely, nothing beats the pleasure of reading to lil' ones.

  5. I love this post! We get so hung up on the numbers running. I will remember your quote about being able to do 1 minute of anything :-)

  6. I love the idea of using the running philosophy for parenting :) Great post!
