Daily Chatter

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How'd January Go?

January 20112

Monthly Miles Ran: 337.80 (Year total: 337.80)
Highest Mileage Week: 1/2 - 1/8 (DM Weeks) 78 miles

Rest Days Taken: 0
The Streak: January 31st was Day # 632 of the streak ~ 5,209.9 miles,
Runs ~ ave. 8.2 miles per day/ 57.7 miles per week
Zero. Zip. Zilch
Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure:
I am a Nutella addict
Non-food Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure:
Too much computer time
Which Outfit did I Wear the Most:

I must really want the VHTR to hold the Skyline Challenge Trail 50k
again because I keep wearing that race shirt.

What We Are Watching:
With the Kiddos:
Magic School Bus episodes

My Viewing:
TBL and The Bachelor
Funniest/Best Kid Quote:
The kids know that I am trying to clean up my diet.
S'ghetti girl asks me as I am reaching for the Nutella again,

"Mom!  Are you sure you wanna eat more of that?"

Current Triumph:
632 days streaking
Current Goals
To get my monthly budget reworked
To get into the Bull Run Run 50 miler
Current Blessing:
Every single day in my life. A gift.
Current Excitement:
Getting S'ghetti girl to wear something besides sweat pants!
Registering for the Bull Run Run 50 Miler
It's a lottery and I really need to get in
Running a 50 mile training run without a race would suck.
Current Concern:
My Christmas tree is still up.
Getting LBM to want to sleep on his own.
I've moved up on the Massanutten Mountain Trails 100

How did your January days add up?


  1. Time to take the Christmas tree down!

  2. You ran as far as I ran, biked and swam. Insane. Always an inspiration.

  3. Amazing amount of running, just amazing. I love the fact that your Christmas tree is still up too...brings a happy, festive atmosphere regardless of the time of year !

  4. Very funny about the Christmas tree - insane mileage, sending you good vibes for Bull Run. I'm sure a 50 miler that is not a race would suck!

  5. Christmas in February is just fine.....

    Happy Running!

  6. Let's keep that upward motion on the list going! Fantastic on the continued streak. And Nutella. What can I say about Nutella? It's crack, that's what!

  7. Wow, those are some great mileage stats! I only ran 210 miles. Thanks for making me feel sane. :)

  8. Great month! I'm watching TBL and The Bachelor these days too... although I am behind on both this week!
