Daily Chatter

Thursday, May 5, 2011

3 Times a Marathon

After the CMFYC 10 miler I was talking to an ultra running friend, R.  Who is probably the biggest pusher focusing factor in my running life in that he has helped mentor and guide me in reaching and achieving my 50 mile goal.  After our conversation I now know he had some goals of his own for me to the tune of getting me to 100 miles.  I'm not saying I didn't wonder if I could do a 100 too, I'm just saying R's timeline and mine were radically different.  So of course after listening to his crack-like exciting Ultra runner banter talking with him I am seriously eyeing this: 

There are two options for me. 
The I know I can option of 50k.
And the next step to 100 option of 77 miles.

Yeah, that's about 3 times a marathon

When 2011 started I had a few goals. 

I wanted to hit my 365 days of running. ~  Day # 361 today.
I wanted to make the leap to a trail 50 miler. ~ Done April 9th
I wanted to improve my overall fitness by cross training regularly. ~ Still working on that one.

I knew the racing year would hold a bunch of 50ks and an assortment of other shorter races but I didn't realize I would hit my A goal so early in the year.  This leaves me wondering if I simply "coast" for the rest of the year in running and focus on the remaining goals or do I take the next step towards a goal that I didn't think I would realize until 2012 or 2013?

While I love all the easy supportive words of encouragement, I'd love to hear your thoughts on making another leap for myself this year considering my other goals, my time restraints and my family.

Because we are talking about three times a marathon.


  1. three times a marathon.

    just saying that makes me smile. ;)

  2. I raced in the Laurel Highlands area this past weekend - nice scenery, lots of diversity, and a fair bit of elevation.

    Seems like you nailed the 50 miler, and 77 is a nice balance between that and a 100...

  3. First, I have NO doubt that you CAN do it.
    But, the reality of being a mom, wife, daughter, sister, employee....YIKES! Only you know if you can balance all of that and put the time into what it takes to run 100 miles--and be satisfied. If you get everyone on board, then I say GO FOR IT! I think 77 would be a nice middle ground for now and then 100 after that.
    You know that you've got our support the whole way!

  4. No doubt we are talking about a big deal here! I have no idea what goes into training for a race of this nature/distance.

    That being said, you are on a roll here and it seems like you are feeling great with all the mileage. Would this be a much greater time commitment training-wise? If so, can your schedule/family handle that right now?

    If you're not sure, I would hardly say that you are "coasting" to continue working on that 50k distance, building a nice strong race when you decide to go even longer.

  5. 3 times a marathon is huge - but I have NO DOUBT that you can do it!! What an awesome goal!! :)

  6. Wow... if anyone could do it, it would be you!

    Secondly, I REALLY, really want to say, "My friend Shelly ran 100 miles today!"

    Go for it girl!

  7. Three times a marathon is incredible! Good for you for reaching your goal so early and looking to re-evaluate and set new goals. That's how we grow! Good luck!

  8. Personally, I couldn't imagine running a distance like that, but I'm sure that you could do it and do it well!

  9. Seems like the next logical step...

  10. 77 miles is no joke. I think as far as balance goes, you have to just make it up as you go. I mean, if you thought too much about it, then even just training to run a marathon could be too much.

    I think 77 miles is a nice stepping stone to 100, go for it!

  11. Holy smokes. 3 times a marathon...that's amazing! 77 miles is a good step to 100...listen to your body and follow your heart.
    Thanks for the words of advice today:)

  12. Most importantly, your opinion is the one that counts on this!! I know you can do it, but at the same time I am in the camp of taking things slow and steady when it comes to upping mileage. You have made a huge leap this year so I'd wait it out and if you really want to up your cross training focus on that first. No matter what you decide, I think I can speak for lots of your readers in saying that we want to read all about it. :)

  13. almost at 365! u r soooo close!

    and 3 times a marathon is a lot of miles....but hey u r u and u can do anything u set ur mind to! and we are all here to listen and read all about it! we know u can do it!

  14. I think 77 is a nice, random distance. You should do it. Anyone that can run every day for a year has the discipline to get it done. You rock!!

  15. I have no doubt you can do it. You are a runner like no other. You inspire me through your running and your life. I can't wait to continue to see where your journey takes you.
