Daily Chatter

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Things I See Along My Way

Running my regular routes each day I am able to appreciate the subtle changes to my scenery.  I enjoy watching the sun rise move along the ridge line as winter turns to spring and then to summer.

I enjoy how I get to watch as the farmer's labors are rewarded with crops that fill the fields each year.

I look forward to all the smells each season brings to my rural neighborhood.  My mock pear tree is in bloom and greets me each morning with an invigoratingly sweet perfume.

The way every place is made more beautiful as the plants turn green and bloom.  Even the cemetery near my home becomes a beautiful scene.

The wildlife I get to see by getting outside each day punctuates my normal daily routine with my own version of excitement. 

I love getting to how each animals I might encounter at different points along my runs.  I know where I will see the most turtle, baby snakes, muskrats, kingfishers, heron, raccoon...

You might think my runs would become boring or too routine but then I am provided with a view of this...

...and I am reminded to appreciate the amazing beauty in all the simple things around me.

I've seen all kinds of things and been provided with so many opportunities simply because I was out running around my "neighborhood," getting to talk with a neighbor who is facing a medical struggle, throwing a ball that had bounced onto the road back to a yard full of kids, helping an older neighbor take in they groceries, meeting new neighbors, reconnecting with nature, and becoming more aware of how closely we share our little patch of the planet.

Just when you think you are 'just going for a run' remember it's not just a run, it is an amazing opportunity to open your eyes and see.

What have you seen along your way?


  1. Great attitude. I hear so many people complain they are bored with their running routes. I should send them over to your blog.

  2. Where I run is so similar to you.

    I have such issues with road kill on my runs, especially now that it's hot. It's hard to enjoy the pristine beauty of nature with so much "circle of life" going on. :)

  3. There is something very comforting to me about running the same routes. I love seeing the changes from season to season, and varying times of day. And of course there is always new beauty to discover amongst the same old, same old.

    Lovely photos!

  4. Happy Running Tuesday! :) Love your photos! Cemeteries can be so beautiful!

  5. I love when the sun is coming down through the clouds like that. I always feel like it is God or the angels trying to catch my attention and the light is from Heaven :-)

    I rode past a humongous field of some type of red flowers the other day that just smelled amazing. I'm so glad winter is done!! But I'm sure I'll be ready for old man winter again in a few months.

  6. This is so true. And how happy does it make you to get out there and see all of this - to experience the world?!! It's the best mental health therapy and it costs nothing.

  7. I've been noticing the changes, too, especially recently, when summer abruptly seemed to "pop" all over the woods. I love the green everywhere!

  8. Great post! I love running around my neighborhood and seeing the pink sky just as the sun comes up - being able to run while watching the sunrise is a great start to the day!

  9. i saw a baby turtle on my run yesterday:) I love seeing fun things!

  10. I. LOVE. THIS. POST.

    What a beautiful background for your runs! Thanks for sharing =)
