Daily Chatter

Thursday, October 25, 2012

900, Story Time and Being a BAMR

 It would be cool if 900 days made me look half this fit!
Today is my 900th day of streak running, our first day at story time and the day I am being featured at Another Mother Runner in their Follow this Mother series.  So it's been a good day so far.
I started my day with trying to get my morning miles in but LBM (Little Bug Man) decided that today he didn't think I should get too much time this morning so I only squeaked in 2 miles before he said, "MOMMY! I want you be done."  I was able to happily stop since those early morning runs are just a bonus when LBM sleeps a bit longer and the super secret spy says he will be home on time today so I can get outside without jogging stroller.  All that made stopping before I even got warmed up pretty painless.  Plus we had story time at the library to look forward to today.
LBM enjoyed the three book stories and then a flannel board story.  We enjoyed craft time and completely over used the glue.
Does everyone else had ladybugs taking over their house?
As if anyone could have missed it today but there could be those who did, guess who is the featured mother runner on Sarah and Dimity's post today?  You know the blog by none other than the authors of Run Like a Mother and Train like a Mother. 
It's me!
Oh yeah, I told you that already.  But in case you missed it, go check it out
I'll be running giddy on the thought of being featured while I get in my evening run tonight.  Those thoughts will sure beat the ones that keep trying to sneak in and cause worry about this Sunday's race.


  1. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO incredible.

    900 is truly freaking incredible.

  2. Jim Ryan quit running when his kid started saying "my daddy is running all the time".

    I too wanted that "streak" a long time ago.
    But more important things like career and raising family took over, and 40 years later of running...I am glad they did. Because now I still can!

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  4. That streak is pretty BA!! Ummm yes I am getting terrified for Sunday. What time are you arriving? Are you coming with anyone?
