Daily Chatter

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Things that made my day

A customer at work said to me, "You look like a little kid."
Day # 135 ~ 3.5 / 27:53
Seeing things like this along my running way.
Having biking sherpa suggest that we "just add 3.5 miles to get a little ahead" in my miles.
(the brain washing is working!)
Day # 134 ~ p.m. run ~ 10 miles / 1:22

Finding things like these around our yard.
Only having two subjects for homework
AND having S'ghetti girl already have one of them done!

LBM telling me "YEP" everytime I ask him if he loves me.

What makes your day?


  1. ...having my youngest tell me "no Mommy, I luss YOU more!"

    ...running 3 painfree miles after running 20 Saturday.

    ...getting blog comments :)

    ...realizing that I'm officially in TAPER.

    ...having my iPod come back to life after drying it out.

    Love this post!

  2. those heart rocks are awesome! the little things make my day: like random texts from my friends or a long life update email from friends that i haven't seen in a while because we live in different cities. and curling up in a big puffy comforter at night :D

  3. The greeting from my dogs each day when I arrive home.

    A fall breeze


    pumpkin-flavored goodies returning to the shelves

    donations to the charity I am running with in Chicago

  4. I love this!

    Love all the photos!

    The heart rocks ---- rock!

  5. AWWW, sweetness!!

    What made my day today.. is looking at the clock to see that 2 hours has passed since I last looked! (instead of 2 mins. like usual) ;)

    Have a great Tuesday!

  6. It sounds weird, but Tristan trying to put off something he doesn't want to do. Like he didn't want to work with his speech pathologist today, so he kept saying "hug" (wanted a hug) and he told her that he loved her. Then he needed a hug from me. It was so cute. Better than whining (which he does, too).

  7. These are all great! those rocks are cool. In my dream world...what would really make my day is all 3 boys sitting down, eating dinner (& liking it) and not throwing food...a girl can dream, right?

    Seriously, what currently makes my day is getting hugs and kisses from the kids each day.

  8. Love the heart rocks! Love LBM's YEP!

    Making my day:
    Smooth-sailing getting the kids out the door this morning!
    Baking and report-writing for meeting tonight- done and done!
    Found another 5K to run! This will be my first!

  9. I really, really try to notice the little things during the day - it makes it easier to takcle the not so nice things ;)

    Just got caught up on your trail adventure! 1000 miles! And I'm glad you're doing okay after that fall!

  10. Those heart rocks are really cool (I have a geology degree..so anything earthy catches my eye :) ). I pay attention to my surroundings more when I'm in the mountains on the trails - not so much to look at in urbanville.

    I'm still thinking about what to put on my Road ID... I need some sort of quote to keep me from not going off the deep end, which I feel I'm doing!! Any suggestions? Gotta be short, of course!

  11. Awww, cute post. And you do look young. I'm jealous!

  12. Here is something else to make your day, you won the contest on my blog! Go over and check it out.

  13. A great morning run - cool (but not too cold) temp's
    getting up and out of bed after a great nights sleep
    a really good cup of coffee (but I don't seem to be able to make it - so that has to be purchased)

  14. What would really make my day is this Laryngitis to be gone/cured/scared away. I am in the middle of marathon training!

    Love your post; put a smile on my face. :)
