Daily Chatter

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Picking up the pace

I am going for 4 double days this work week.  With a 5k race on Saturday, a 10:30 soccer game and hubbs coming home, the weekend running schedule is a bit up in the air.  With my next big race not until early July and my next longish race (10 miles) on May 1st, I haven't offically started a training program.  My weeks are simply putting in miles aiming for somewhere between 40 - 50. 
The second half of yesterday's run was with my Jr. Biking Sherpa.  He always helps me pick up the pace on my longer daily run. 6.5 miles (49:19)  I was sweating buckets!

Little Bug-man loved JBS.  When JBS got a bit ahead of us on the hills, Little Bug-man would start yelling at him.  Or was he yelling at me to run faster?  I was able to really push my limits today and work beyond what I felt comfortable giving.  Mel had a great post yesterday on just that topic called Your Limits

After the run was over we all played at the church and then jogged to the goats to see if the new babies were born.  Just when I think I have given my all, I amaze myself with how quickly I can recover.  That leaves me wondering, 'How much more did I have to give?'

Do you feel ready to run again shortly after your run is over?
Did you find yourself wondering if you had more than what you gave?

Mel is hosting a Gone for a Run Giveaway
Check it out and tell her Shelly sent you!

3 Changes Challenge

April 22th - Thursday

1. h2o/non-caffeinated - 82oz- Success

2. Destress - Said my prayers!  Played with the kids outside after my run.  Didn't worry about having to rush to get homework done (we had plenty of time) - Success

3. Xtrain - Sit ups, push ups weighted arm workout - Success


  1. Your runs are so fantastically inspiring!

    I question if I'm doing enough quite a lot. I'm always wondering if I'm pushing hard enough or if I'll injure myself by doing more. Once this marathon is over, I really want to test myself!

  2. Great job on your runs and love the pics!!

    It's hard to know where the line is between pushing our limits and asking for trouble...

  3. Nice run! Love the pictures too. I just finished my long run and am wondering when I can run next. If I have a good run I can't wait...If I have a bad run...I wish I never had to run again!

  4. Great Job! I love that your little guy is such a good sport about going for a run!

  5. I love that you call a 10 mile race - longish ... It's long.

    I often finish my runs and then want to run again. I know if I had no kids I would be running all the time!

    And holy batman! Sub 50 for 6.5 ... you're super speedy!

  6. I love your t-shirt!!
    I recover pretty fast too most days and I often wonder if I had more to give. I worry though that if I give my all each time, I may not be able to run as often.
    Maybe I have it all wrong and I would just keep getting better!
    You are super fast lady and with a stroller!

  7. It depends on the run if I want to go out again. I always feel like I should have given it a little more :)

  8. Yesterday I probably could have gone longer but I also wanted to stick to my racing schedule (I do not want to get hurt). But I think sometimes you can recover quickly, especially if you're used to running long or fast (or both).

  9. 4 doubles!! Holy cow you are amazing!!

    10 miles in my favorite :)

  10. Sometimes I catch myself holding back a little *too* much for fear of burning out. Recovering quickly is awesome, but sometimes it's nice to know you litterally gave it your ALL.

    Have a fantastic weekend! Happy Trails!

  11. Hmmm...interesting questions. I always give it my all on race day...I usually end up falling asleep on the couch when I get home.
    My long runs have also been really taking it out of me, but I know there are days when I don't give it my all. I need to step it up on my speed workouts and accept some short-term discomfort. :)

  12. Great post!! your kids are gorgeous!! I sometimes feel I could do more!I always feel like I could do more but save a little energy for the fam!!
    I am not doing weights to to strengthen my core and to get even more tone!!
    I don't run as much weekly as you do and I think you are phenominal!!!!

  13. I can often go longer or harder on a training run, but I tend to leave it all out there when I'm doing a long run or intervals. Although, I did have a pleasant surprise and have some good runs this week without taking a day off after my 20 miles.

  14. good for you for fitting it all in!!! impressive.

  15. You are always giving and I believe that you have lots left in you to push you towards your limit. Remember, though, once you reach a new limit, that will only change too.
